
  • Postdoctoral fellow (current) - The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

  • PhD. Zoology (2021) - The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

  • MESM (2016) - Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA

  • B.S. Biology (2012) - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Xochimilco (UAM-X), México

Main Research Lines

Management of shifting shared stocks

Regulatory boundaries and species distributions often do not align. This misalignment represents a challenge for fisheries management, as policies tend to focus at the national level, yet international collaborations are needed to maximize long-term ecological, social and economic benefits of shared marine species. My research aims to better understand (and inform) how fisheries management can prepare to shifts in the distribution of shared stocks.

Conservation under climate change

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are an important tool in the context of marine spatial planning to support both conservation and sustainable harvesting. Marine species are shifting their distribution because of climate change, potentially compromising the benefits and management objectives of currently established MPAs. My research focuses on better understanding the consequences of climate change to marine conservation.


Ocean management in Latin America

Latin America is a highly diverse and dynamic region and there are many contexts to fisheries management and conservation. Nevertheless, there are several cross-cutting themes in Latin American countries, and very likely throughout the region. As a Brazilian-Mexican citizen, I am committed to support policy-making and resource management decisions in Latin American countries with a strong interdisciplinary science.

Scientific Publications

Google Scholar Profile


  1. Tai, T. C., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Saltos, J. J. A., Ban, N. C., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Cheung, W. W. L., Courtenay, S., Harper, S., Hoover, C., Lotze, H. K., Steiner, N., Sumaila, U. R., Talloni-Álvarez, N., Whitney, C. K. and Wilson, K., 2024. Rapid Changes across Canada’s Oceans and Their Impact on Coastal Communities. In: Sumaila, U. R., Armitage, D., Bailey, M., and Cheung, W. W. L., eds. Sea Change: Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada. UBC Press, 276.

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  1. Steiner, N. S., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Cheung, W. W. L., Holdsworth, A. M., Lotze, H. K., Nagabhatla, N., Newell, S. L., Okey, T. A., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Sumaila, U. R., Tai, T. C., Wilson, K. L. and Inlet, C. of C., 2024. Large Changes in Canada’s Oceans and Their Impacts on Ecosystems and Fisheries. In: Sumaila, U. R., Armitage, D., Bailey, M., and Cheung, W. W. L., eds. Sea Change: Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada. UBC Press, 276.

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  1. Beaty, F., Domínguez-Sánchez, P. S., Nalven, K. B., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Oken, K. L., Ban, N. C., Nickols, K. J., Juanes, F., Okey, T. A., Spalding, A. K., Morzaria-Luna, H. N., Jenkins, L. D., Tulloch, V. and McKechnie, I., 2024. Centering relationships to place for more meaningful research and engagement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (25), e2306991121.

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  1. Cheung, W. W. L., Palacios-Abrantes, J. and Roberts, S. M., 2024. Projecting contributions of marine protected areas to rebuild fish stocks under climate change. npj Ocean Sustainability, 3 (1), 11.

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  1. Maureaud, A. A., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Kitchel, Z., Mannocci, L., Pinsky, M. L., Fredston, A., Beukhof, E., Forrest, D. L., Frelat, R., Palomares, M. L. D., Pecuchet, L., Thorson, J. T., Denderen, P. D. van and Mérigot, B., 2024. FISHGLOB_data: an integrated dataset of fish biodiversity sampled with scientific bottom-trawl surveys. Scientific Data, 11 (1), 24.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Crosson, S., Dumas, C., Fujita, R., Levine, A., Longo, C. and Jensen, O.P. 2023. Quantifying fish range shifts across poorly defined management boundaries. PLOS ONE, 18(1), p. e0279025.

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  1. Amon, D. J., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Drazen, J. C., Lily, H., Nathan, N., Grient, J. M. A. van der and McCauley, D., 2023. Climate change to drive increasing overlap between Pacific tuna fisheries and emerging deep-sea mining industry. npj Ocean Sustainability, 2 (1), 9.

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  1. Fredston, A. L., Cheung, W. W. L., Frölicher, T. L., Kitchel, Z. J., Maureaud, A. A., Thorson, J. T., Auber, A., Mérigot, B., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Palomares, M. L. D., Pecuchet, L., Shackell, N. L. and Pinsky, M. L., 2023. Marine heatwaves are not a dominant driver of change in demersal fishes. Nature, 1–6.

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  1. Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Blanchard, J. L., Coll, M., Pontavice, H. D., Everett, J. D., Guiet, J., Heneghan, R. F., Maury, O., Novaglio, C., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Petrik, C. M., Tittensor, D. P. and Lotze, H. K., 2023. Applying ensemble ecosystem model projections to future-proof marine conservation planning in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. FACETS, 8, 1–16.

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  1. Spalding, A. K., Grorud-Colvert, K., Allison, E. H., Amon, D. J., Collin, R., Vos, A. de, Friedlander, A. M., Johnson, S. M., Mayorga, J., Paris, C. B., Scott, C., Suman, D. O., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Estradivari, Giron-Nava, A., Gurney, G. G., Harris, J. M., Hicks, C., Mangubhai, S., Micheli, F., Naggea, J., Obura, D., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Pouponneau, A. and Thurber, R. V., 2023. Engaging the tropical majority to make ocean governance and science more equitable and effective. npj Ocean Sustainability, 2 (1), 8.

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  1. Vogel, J. M., Longo, C., Spijkers, J., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Mason, J., Wabnitz, C. C. C., Cheung, W., Sumaila, U. R., Munro, G., Glaser, S., Bell, J., Tian, Y., Shackell, N. L., Selig, E. R., Billon, P. L., Watson, J. R., Hendrix, C., Pinsky, M. L., Putten, I. van, Karr, K., Papaioannou, E. A. and Fujita, R., 2023. Drivers of conflict and resilience in shifting transboundary fisheries. Marine Policy, 155, 105740.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Roberts, S. M., Cashion, T., ten Brink, T., Cheung, W.W.L, Mook A., and Nguyen, T. 2023. Incorporating protected areas into global fish biomass projections under climate change. FACETS 8: 1–16.

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  1. Pereira, L.M., Crespo, G.O., Amon, D.J., Badhe, R., Bandeira, S., Bengtsson, F., Boettcher, M., Carmine, G., Cheung, W.W.L., Chibwe, B., Dunn, D., Gasalla, M.A., Halouani, G., Johnson, D.E., Jouffray, J.-B., Juri, S., Keys, P.W., Lübker, H.M., Merrie, A.S., Obaidullah, F., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Shannon, L.J., Sumaila, U.R., Superchi, E., Terry, N., Wabnitz, C.C.C., Yasuhara, M., Zhou, W., 2023. The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas. Mar Policy 153, 105644.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Frölicher, T. L., Reygondeau, G., Sumaila, U. R., Tagliabue, A., Wabnitz, C. C. C., and Cheung, W. W. L., 2022. Timing and magnitude of climate-driven range shifts in transboundary fish stocks challenge their management. Global Change Biology, 00, 1–17.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Badhe, R., Bamford, A., Cheung, W.W.L., Foden, W., Santos, C.F., Grey, K.-A., Kühn, N., Maciejewski, K., McGhie, H., Midgley, G.F., Smit, I.P.J. and Pereira, L.M. 2022. Managing biodiversity in the Anthropocene: discussing the Nature Futures Framework as a tool for adaptive decision-making for nature under climate change, Sustainability Science, pp. 1–17.

Full Paper UBC Stories

  1. Cheung, W.W.L., Palacios‐Abrantes, J., Frölicher, T.L., Palomares, M.L., Clarke, T., Lam, V.W.Y., Oyinlola, M.A., Pauly, D., Reygondeau, G., Sumaila, U.R., Teh, L.C.L. and Wabnitz, C.C.C. 2022. Rebuilding fish biomass for the world’s marine ecoregions under climate change, Global Change Biology

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  1. Cinner, J. E., Caldwell, I. R., Thiault, L., Ben, J., Blanchard, J. L., Coll, M., Diedrich, A., Eddy, T. D., Everett, J. D., Folberth, C., Gascuel, D., Guiet, J., Gurney, G. G., Heneghan, R. F., Jägermeyr, J., Jiddawi, N., Lahari, R., Kuange, J., Liu, W., Maury, O., Müller, C., Novaglio, C., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Petrik, C. M., Rabearisoa, A., Tittensor, D. P., Wamukota, A., and Pollnac, R., 2022. Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries production in 72 tropical coastal communities. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 3530–11.

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  1. Tittensor, D. P., Novaglio, C., Harrison, C. S., Heneghan, R. F., Barrier, N., Bianchi, D., Bopp, L., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Britten, G. L., Büchner, M., Cheung, W. W. L., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J. P., Eddy, T. D., Everett, J. D., Fernandes-Salvador, J. A., Fulton, E. A., Galbraith, E. D., Gascuel, D., Guiet, J., John, J. G., Link, J. S., Lotze, H. K., Maury, O., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Petrik, C. M., du Pontavice, H., Rault, J., Richardson, A. J., Shannon, L., Shin, Y.-J., Steenbeek, J., Stock, C. A. and Blanchard, J. L., 2021. Next-generation ensemble projections reveal higher climate risks for marine ecosystems. Nature Climate Change

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  1. Heneghan, R.F., Galbraith, E., Blanchard, J.L., Harrison, C., Barrier, N., Bulman, C., Cheung, W., Coll, M., Eddy, T.D., Erauskin-Extramiana, M., Everett, J.D., Fernandes-Salvador, J.A., Gascuel, D., Guiet, J., Maury, O., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Petrik, C.M., du Pontavice, H., Richardson, A.J., Steenbeek, J., Tai, T.C., Volkholz, J., Woodworth-Jefcoats, P.A., and Tittensor, D.P., 2021. Disentangling diverse responses to climate change among global marine ecosystem models, Progress in Oceanography

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  1. Outeiro, L., Otero, J., Alonso-Fernández, A., Bañón, R., and Palacios-Abrantes, J., 2021. Quantifying abundance trends and environmental effects on a population of queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis targeted by artisanal fishers in a coastal upwelling area (Ría de Arousa, NW Spain) using a Bayesian spatial model. Fisheries Research, 240, 105963

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  1. Sala, E., Mayorga, J., Bradley, D., Cabral, R. B., Atwood, T. B., Auber, A., Cheung, W. W. L., Costello, C., Ferretti, F., Friedlander, A. M., Gaines, S. D., Garilao, C., Goodell, W., Halpern, B. S., Hinson, A., Kaschner, K., Kesner-Reyes, K., Leprieur, F., McGowan, J., Morgan, L. E., Mouillot, D., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Possingham, H. P., Rechberger, K. D., Worm, B., and Lubchenco, J., 2021. Protecting the global ocean for biodiversity, food and climate. Nature, 1–6.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Reygondeau, G., Wabnitz, C. C. C., and Cheung, W. W. L., 2020. The transboundary nature of the world’s exploited marine species. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 415–12. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-74644-2

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Sumaila, U. R., and Cheung, W. W. L., 2020. Challenges to transboundary fisheries management in North America under climate change. Ecology and Society, 25 (4), art41–17. DOI: 10.5751/ES-11743-250441

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J. and Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., 2020. Tendencias de la investigación pesquera en México: necesidades y oportunidades para la adaptación al cambio climático. In: Mariño, U. U. and Alcalá, G., eds. Pescadores en México y Cuba Retos y oportunidades ante el cambio climático. Ciudad de México, México, 225.

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  1. Sumaila, U. R., Palacios-Abrantes, J., and Cheung, W. W. L., 2020. Climate change, shifting threat points, and the management of transboundary fish stocks. Ecology and Society, 25 (4), art40–9.

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  1. Cashion, T., Nguyen, T., Brink, ten, T., Mook, A., Palacios-Abrantes, J., and Roberts, S. M., 2020. Shifting seas, shifting boundaries: Dynamic marine protected area designs for a changing climate. PLoS ONE, 15 (11), e0241771.

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  1. Cisneros-Montemayor, A., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Abas, M., Gonzalez, P. 2020. Análisis espacial de efectos anticipados del cambio climático sobre la pesca en México: Un panorama para la adaptación Ciencia Pesquera, 28 (1)

Artículo en Español

  1. Andrews, E. J., Harper, S., Cashion, T., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Blythe, J., Daly, J., Eger, S., Hoover, C., Talloni-Álvarez, N., Teh, L., Bennett, N., Epstein, G., Knott, C., Newell, S. L., and Whitney, C. K., 2020. Supporting early career researchers: insights from interdisciplinary marine scientists. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77 (2), 476–485. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz247

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes, J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Cisneros-Mata, M. A., Rodriguez, L., Arreguín-Sánchez, F., Aguilar, V., Domínguez-Sánchez, S., Fulton, S., López-Sagástegui, R., Reyes-Bonilla, H., Rivera-Campos, R., Salas, S., Simoes, N., and Cheung, W. W. L., 2019. A metadata approach to evaluate the state of ocean knowledge: Strengths, limitations, and application to Mexico. PLoS ONE, 14 (6), DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0216723.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes J., Herrera-Correal J., Rodríguez S., Brunkow J. and Molina R. 2018. Evaluating the bio-economic performance of a Callo de hacha (Atrina maura, Atrina tuberculosa & Pinna rugosa) fishery restoration plan in La Paz, Mexico. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0209431. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209431

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  1. Pinsky M.L., Reygondeau G., Caddell R., Palacios-Abrantes J., Spijkers J. and Cheung W.L. 2018. Preparing ocean governance for species on the move. Science, Vol. 360, Issue 6394, pp. 1189-1191

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes J., Melo-Ruiz V., Urbano B., Falcón-Gerónimo J. and Gazga-Urioste C. 2017. Nutritional Analysis of Octopus hubbsorum B (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from the Pacific Ocean, Acapulco, Guerrero, México. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 10(3), 1–6.

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  1. Palacios-Abrantes J., Melo-Ruiz V., Diaz-Garcia R., Gazga-Urioste C. and Urbano B. 2016. Iron Profile of Octopus hubbsorum (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) for Enrichment of the Mexican Diet, 10, 1–4.

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